The Mero Blog

Uncover Your Hidden Holiday Pay Liabilities With Mero’s HARE Discovery Service
Are you confident you’re paying your staff correctly for their holiday leave? Many Kiwi businesses aren’t, and navigating the Holidays Act can be a complex,…
Uncover Your Hidden Holiday Pay Liabilities With Mero’s HARE Discovery Service
Are you confident you’re paying your staff correctly for their holiday leave? Many Kiwi businesses aren’t, and navigating the Holidays Act can be a complex, stressful, and time-consuming process. Mero’s Holidays Act Remediation Engine (HARE) Discovery Service provides a quick and straightforward way to understand your current payroll practices in relation to the Holidays Act. The Discovery Service highlights any potential compliance issues and gives…

HR System Migration: A Smooth Transition with Mero
Embarking on a HR system migration can feel like navigating a choppy sea. Are you…

Managing Employee Claims: A Simple, Secure Solution
New Zealand businesses struggle with managing monetary employee claims, especially for past employees. It’s a…

Holidays Act Remediation: How to Ensure Your Remediation Project Succeeds
Many New Zealand businesses are facing the daunting task of ensuring Holidays Act compliance. With…