Author: Hamish Blyth - Planning Solutions Manager

three scenarios showing users project planning using workday on different devices
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Four Key Risks of Using Spreadsheets for Project Planning

Successful project management relies on numerous factors, however the first step is also usually the most important and impactful. If your project planning is accurate and effective, then your project is already on track to succeed. Unfortunately, accurate and flexible project planning is typically easier said than done. And, if you’re still using spreadsheets to…

three scenarios showing users keeping projects on track using workday on different devices

Three Ways to Keep Your Project on Track and Avoid Budget Blowout

One of the most fundamental elements of project management is effective project planning. Without efficient project planning, teams can struggle to identify desired goals, set realistic and accurate timeframes and accommodate for potential risks that could affect their ability to deliver projects smoothly. Teams often encounter three key challenges with project planning, including: accurately calculating…

three scenarios showing employees optimising workday planning on different devices

How to Help Employees Change with Your Business

Many employees are still reeling from the shock of events that occurred during 2020, which impacted both organisations and personal livelihoods. Effective workforce management planning is crucial as a result of the pandemic. It is likely that ‘business as usual’ will look quite different for a long time to come, as industries and organisations continue…